Customer Service: +353 (0) 87 1668511

Ownership – All sale equipment will remain the property of Highworx Ltd until paid in full. All rental equipment remains the property of Highworx Ltd. Customers shall not remove, deface, or obscure ownership labels.

Equipment Usage – Customers shall not make any alterations, additions, modifications or improvements to the hire equipment and shall use it only for the purpose and in the manner for which it was intended by the manufacturer. Hire equipment must be used by trained and competent personnel only. Customer may not permit the hire equipment to be used by another party or at a different location without the express written consent of Highworx Ltd.

Delivery & Collection – All hire equipment may be delivered to and collected from the customers site by Highworx Ltd. Delivery charges will apply. Alternatively delivery and collection charges can be made in advance to suit the customer, any charges incurred will be charged if applicable.

Mobile Fall Protection System

Loss, Theft, Damage – Hire equipment shall be returned to Highworx Ltd in good condition and repair – wear from reasonable and proper use excepted. Upon return, customers must certify that hire equipment is free from contamination. Customer is responsible for loss or damage to hire equipment from abuse, misuse, negligence, theft, mysterious disappearance, fire or any other cause. Customers agrees to pay the cost of any repairs to hire equipment so damaged, lost or stolen and any incurred shipping charges. In accepting liability for the safe keeping of all hire equipment, customers agrees to pay Highworx Ltd the
replacement cost (as determined by manufacturers current list price) of any such equipment which customer is for any reason unable to return to Highworx Ltd at the end of the rental to Highworx Ltd at the end of the rental period. Any shortages or damage of sale equipment must be reported to Highworx Ltd within 3 working days.

Hire & Sale Charges – The charge excluding VAT for hiring the equipment will be agreed in advance of delivery. All hire and sale invoices will be charged at a standard rate of VAT. Invoices will be issued by Highworx Ltd covering the period of hire starting on the date equipment is delivered until Highworx Ltd is advised that the equipment is ready for collection. Highworx Ltd reserves the right to change the credit terms on further rentals at any time, when in Highworx Ltd opinion, the customers financial conditions or previous payment record so warrants.

Breakdown – Allowance will be made in relation to the hire charges to the customer for any non-use of the equipment due to breakdown once such breakdown is not as a result of negligence by the customer and is notified immediately to Highworx Ltd.

Liability – Highworx Ltd shall not be responsible for loss or damage to customer’s business or property or for injury or death to persons and the customer shall indemnify Highworx Ltd accordingly including associated legal fees and expenses. Highworx Ltd will not be liable for any loss suffered by the customer as a result of the equipment being unavailable for hire where the equipment
is unavailable due to circumstances beyond Highworx Ltd control.